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Organizers Guide

updated at: 20/06/2024 10:53
How To Start As Organizer on Arabesports?


  Create an organizer account:

  From the main website page press "REGISTER” button, enter your info and be sure to select "ORGANIZER" role..

  Create your Tournament:

- Sign in to your account, then hit the account icon on the top bar. A list will appear, hit "CREATE TOURNAMENT"

- Fill the fields with your tournament’s info (name, logo, game, mode, prize, tournament mode… Etc.), then press create tournament button.

Next page is where you can add admins and there is also “Allow reports”, “Allow check-in system” and “Draft” options.
1- Enable “Allow reports” option on allow players to upload screenshots to their matches final scores in the match chat to help organizer and tournament admins update the scores.
2- Enable “Allow check-in system” option on notify the tournament players to check in for their match 15 minutes earlier the match start time (if you turn this option on you must set stage rounds start time).
3- Enable “Draft” option helps organizers to keep the tournament in draft mode till it is ready to be published and you can add extra Registration fields for teams/players when they signup your event as stated at the screenshot..
When you are done, hit “back” button to go back to managing tournaments panel.
Congrats! You have already created your first tournament!!


 Manage and Start a tournament:

  • Sign in to your account, then press the account icon on the top bar. A list will appear, Press "MANAGE TOURNAMENT"
  • It will take you to a page that contains all created tournaments by you, press "Actions" button on the tournament which you want to manage.
  • A list will appear with some options:
    1- Press “Edit” to update your tournament’s info.
    2- Press “Settings” to manage admins or change the tournament status (draft or published). You can’t edit the registering fields anymore , if you change the tournament status to public (turn draft mode off)!
    3- Press “Invite” to invite players or teams to your tournament.

   4- Press “Stages”  to create a stage and seeding the participants on brackets , Match rounds settings and                             Tournament settings.

   5- Press "Start" to start the tournament after you finish all settings.


  Create Stages:


After Creating the Stage, Press the Stage created and you can see top some options:


1-   "Manual Placement" you can press the bracket and manual seed the participants

2-  "Random Placement" you can random seed the participants 

3- "Match Start Time" you can set match Start Time and players/teams needs to check-in at my matches option

4-  “Match rounds settings” you can set the match format to each round (best of 1 , 3 , 5)

5- “Tournament settings”  to go back to tournament settings (admins , report , check-in , draft options.)

 Matches Management: 


After Starting the Tournament go to Manage tournament button and find your tournament , Press “Matches”, by going to matches organizer that can view all rounds matches and clicking on  "Manage"  button take the admin to the tournament chat where players and admin can contact about match info and report scores. (For League of legends game our system can create tournaments code so organizer doesn’t need to create a lobby manually,  tournament code is sent automatically each round by system to team owners but incase any issue you can create a new tournament code and send it to chat just by clicking on “New Code” button and a new code will be generated automatically and sent to chat.

If a player use a "wrong summoner name" match result may not be reported automatically and admins will receive a notification says: the match winner is X bot.)